MSc thesis project proposal
Achilles tendon injury and recovery
Project outside the university
Ansterdam University Medical CentreThere are two sub-projects 1. Measurement of the mechanical condition of the tendon. When overloaded, the structure is changed. A technique needs to be developed to assess this damage in a non-invasive way. When successful, the technology may be further developed in a clinical tool to assess the mechanical condition of the Achilles tendon. 2. With a better understanding of the injury, techniques should be developed to stimulate the recovery. Ultrasound, electrical stimulation or infrared light are potential candidates and their effectiveness can be established through the measurement on the tendons.
-understanding of sensors and measurement -understanding of basic mechanics
prof.dr. Paddy French
Bioelectronics Group
Department of Microelectronics
Last modified: 2024-06-07