MSc thesis guidelines

  • Most thesis projects at EI are design projects, in which you work on a new circuit, device, sensor or system. In many cases, the project involves designing, fabricating and measuring a prototype.
  • The duration of the thesis project (et4300) is in principle 3 quarters (45 ECTS). Many of our students combine their thesis project with an Extra Project (et4399) of 15 ECTS, in which a literature study, an initial design phase and/or a feasibility study for the thesis project are performed. In particular if you aim for a thesis project in which you would like to tape out a chip, this is a recommended combination.
  • Your thesis work is graded on the following aspects: (1) quality of the work, (2) quantity, (3) report, (4) oral presentation and defense, (5) engineering attitude. For the highest grades (9 or 10), a clear novel contribution is essential. In that case, it is often possible to prepare a paper for a conference.
  • Your thesis work is a "project", and you are the project leader! This means that you are responsible for its progress, reporting, and regular appointments with your advisors and other experts. At the beginning, you will make together with your advisor a problem definition and work plan, so that you don't get lost.
To avoid (administrative) pitfalls that lead to delays, you need to familiarize yourself with the EEMCS graduation policy and timeline.